Monday, June 2, 2008

Bury me in Oblivion

My tarnished soul for all to see,

My long abandoned responsibility,

Swirling thoughts so often, so alien,

Bury me in oblivion…

Seamless streams of fantasy,

Adrift upon an open stormy sea,

Delirious dreams, streaks of desperation,

Bury me in oblivion…

Fanciful wings may attempt to flee,

Hampered by yesteryears’ debris,

Fluttering hard but steady with confusion,

Bury me in oblivion…

Harkens to a plaintive plea,

Caught, despite a heart set free,

Solitude is my only bastion,

Bury me in oblivion…

Battered hatch, one rusty discarded key,

Ensconced within my soul shall be,

Foolish whims but with a real delusion,

Bury me in oblivion…

1 comment:

Debidutt Acharya said...

"yesteryears' debris"..... nice man....lot of thought n a conscious effort to sound dark n mysterious...

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