A soul wants to run free,
Away from a body it flees,
Twirling through the mists,
Twisting around the trees…
Blood was spilled,
A soul was thrilled,
Another victim to dance with forever,
Tormenting the living,
Provoking the dying,
Ignoring the little children crying…
Neither soul nor compassion,
Shadow is undeniably the new fashion,
Killing without conscience,
Simply for the fun…
Ride forth foul being,
Every shadow could be seeing,
Into your soul,
Every shadow watching,
Waiting for your fall…
And in the fog it dances,
Through the mists it comes,
Riding on the shadows,
Hiding in the gloom,
Singing songs of menace,
Singing songs of doom,
And another victim strays,
And in the shadows it stays,
Until it pounces it is unseen,
And in the fog it dances…
P.S: I dedicate this to the victims of the wars going around all over the world…, I feel for you.