Monday, July 21, 2008

This poem is for people who have fallen in love....

A Cute Poem for a Cute Girl: MISSING U…

You changed my world with a blink of an eye,
It is something that I can not deny,
You put my soul from worst to best,
That is why I treasure you my dearest…

You just don't know what you have done for me,
You even pushed me to the best what I can be,
You really are an angel sent from above,
To take care of me and shower with love…

When I'm with you I will not cry even a single tear,
And your special touch chases away all of my fear,
You have given me a life that I could live worthwhile,
And one step better every time you smile…

U were always there to help when I cried,
To bring back my faith that almost died,
Now my life is a dream come true,
It all began when I found you…

Now I have found what I am looking for,
It's you and just you and nothing more,
Co'z you have given me this feeling of pleasure,
Something I had never felt and nor can I measure…

I wish I could talk to you till the end of the day,
But now I'm running out of things to say,
So I'll end by the line you already know,
"I MISS YOU" more than my words could ever show…

1 comment:

snigdha said...

"AHEM AHEM" someone is really missing someone.. sweet n simple poetry, unlike the dark n deep ones u generally write!!

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