Monday, May 27, 2019

Sat by the Olympic Ocean - Gratitude Unbound

Sat by the ocean, blowing with the breeze,
Obsessed with progress, this day we must seize..
If and but, how and when, pensive pangs of indecision
Will they thwart, or eventually aid our mission?

Green webs, creeping moss and glistening greens galore
With a light heart and grounded spirit, paradise I now explore
Ever grateful for my senses, and united with nature,
With gentle rest and reflection, my mind I now nurture...

Every place I go, every person I meet
Another stranger at the dead end of the Street
Is a connection I seek, or sought, from the lives past
Fleeting feelings, a chemical romance and heart hung at half-mast...

Sailing forward...

What if I and something within floated up and soared,
Tunneled through the tree trunks and emerged from above
Observed our lost brethren in a vividly neon dream
An imaginary sojourn ending by a solitary stream...

The warmth of the shining sun is my secret today
The dew drops give me strength to stand strong and say
"As seasons change and flowers rest, nature will guide me through the northwest... "
Dwelling deep in the forest arches, with my spirit unbound
Out of own soul tunnel, I will rise and rebound…


The Creations of LSD

The Creations of LSD
Dream of God
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I love 7
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I live here...
The Depths of your sea...