In between the layers of an empty mind,
Flooded by a gush of crystal chaos,
Sat a devious hermit, who stopped everyone
From high atop an inclined ivory tower,
He simmered our dreams with his garish gaze.
And seven treacherous levels below... Neither forward not backward in time.
Deep within the tunnels of a rancid reality,
Withered by years of dungeon like decay
Stood the fairy white princess, with shiny wings
Trapped under mounds of Jade filled icicles,
She blew peals of mirthful laughter, up and above, towards our way.
And yet another scene unfurled,
around a poignant pillar,
Where shadows of the hermit and the princess dueled, underneath a mesquite altar.
In their orthogonal omnipotence, they battled for eons together,
Till they, one fine moment realized, that they are phases of each other.
Stopped and united, creating a complete yet eternally ephemeral entity
That threatened to destroy all of the above, in its powerful cosmic starlight.
Such a relative thought, thought the pacing brain...And it was constantly disturbed, when it tried to retain.If a rainbow were painted in reverse, would it's beauty still be adverse?
Flooded by a gush of crystal chaos,
Sat a devious hermit, who stopped everyone
From high atop an inclined ivory tower,
He simmered our dreams with his garish gaze.
And seven treacherous levels below... Neither forward not backward in time.
Deep within the tunnels of a rancid reality,
Withered by years of dungeon like decay
Stood the fairy white princess, with shiny wings
Trapped under mounds of Jade filled icicles,
She blew peals of mirthful laughter, up and above, towards our way.
And yet another scene unfurled,
around a poignant pillar,
Where shadows of the hermit and the princess dueled, underneath a mesquite altar.
In their orthogonal omnipotence, they battled for eons together,
Till they, one fine moment realized, that they are phases of each other.
Stopped and united, creating a complete yet eternally ephemeral entity
That threatened to destroy all of the above, in its powerful cosmic starlight.
Such a relative thought, thought the pacing brain...And it was constantly disturbed, when it tried to retain.If a rainbow were painted in reverse, would it's beauty still be adverse?