Cherry Night wolf
A cheery night wolf that lives through others,
And docile humans, it always smothers
In puzzles of social patterns, it prowls and preys,
Through Jade chambers of jealousy, and stale grays…
On a light brown morning, as the street glowed red,
The storm wall loomed, and he raised his head,
Fielding the magic sword, he walked alone
Stepping through the darkened door, he found his own…
What a lapse of time and thought,
He waited still while he often forgot,
In this crystal blue dream, in his feathery cove
Broken first, but stronger still, his rusted and reticent
As he ran by the hills and saw the tribes,
Froze and puffed, and stroked those guttural vibes
The sea wrote its story, in a rocky blend
Thru its foggy cloak, summoned him to the farthest end…
Stood atop the valley, and heard the river songs
Bowed to the breeze which righted his wrongs
betwixt Golden Harmony and flawless domain,
He could breathe, think and feel again…
And even though he was lonely and gaunt,
A defiant candle of hope, in his heart burnt
Thru the smoky rings of a hundred peace pipes
He laid to rest, the night wolf, and his thousand lives…