Saturday, February 15, 2025

The new America - Caged Dreamer

The Caged Dreamer

After a long and brave journey across the seven seas,

He arrives with a heart full of hope, knees weak in the breeze.

This is the land where the bold carve their fate,

Where sweat turns to gold—unless you arrived too late.

He speaks in code, as he builds their world,

Yet remains unseen, much like a half mast flag unfurled, 

An architect of progress, a ghost in the frame,

A nameless cog in the gargantuan tech game.

They sell him a dream, then chain his feet,

With silent shackles, soft deceit.

“Wait your turn,” they chant, with hollow grace,

While others sprint ahead in the green card race.

He obeys the rules, signs every form,

Plays their game, weathers their storm.

Yet every step feels rigged from the start,

A broken system, a bureaucrat’s art.

Every now and then, he takes liberties,

Not out of defiance, but necessity.

He bends the rules that make no sense,

That mock his life at his own expense.

They call it the land of the free, the home of the brave,

But freedom’s a riddle, a promise unmade.

The immigration beast is a venomous tide,

A viper coiled, watching from the side.

Oh, it’s not a rattlesnake—I dare not tread,

But a scaled monster with paper trails spread.


A red tape Kraken, cold as ice.

He codes their systems, secures their lands,

Yet they bind his fate with unseen hands.

For years he waits, for years he toils,

While time slips by like burning oil.

A guest in a house where he built the walls,

Where he answers the summons but ignores the calls.

Still, he waits, still, he prays,

Still, he dreams of freer days.

But perhaps that dream was never his to own,

A mirage, a myth, a fate fickle & unknown.

For an Indian man on an H-1B,

Is free to work, but never free.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Icelandic Saga

Oh, where was I?
My eyes have not seen anything more heavenly,
The sea, the snowcapped mountains kiss my pupils
As I suspend my material thoughts,
for myriad memorable moments
Lost in this labyrinth of divine yet bitter nature

I wandered over the rocks and through the moss,
To find the orange sun hang slowly over,
The raging river forging its way in the gorge,
Many fathoms deep, cutting thru rocks and the walls of time

Our vehicle then cruised on,
Long winding roads meandering gently through,
A maze of floating hills of lava cooled frosted with soft snow
As my mind drooled, enamored by,
Far more magnificent than what my eyes could capture
A land untouched by man, so perfectly pristine
God’s own hand over mountains, drawing those deep lines of erosion

The beautiful black and white soil bore no fruit,
But the wildflowers resistant, hardy, bloomed
With a loving gaze and their wild cackle,
Effervescent puffins welcomed us to their abode,
Before we chose another road

That took us to the magical hot springs of paradise,
Where we rested our weary bones,
Looked at a wonder-scape,
Mystic mist of the fjords rose to the sky
Like a blanket soft, for most of the night

Glaciers loomed in the endless expanse,
As a cold sea breeze kissed my cheeks and ears
An open land, an open mind they say,
with solitude plentiful to confide in

Will you ever forget this?
No, never, I must vow, and just flow in the undertow.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Sat by the Olympic Ocean - Gratitude Unbound

Sat by the ocean, blowing with the breeze,
Obsessed with progress, this day we must seize..
If and but, how and when, pensive pangs of indecision
Will they thwart, or eventually aid our mission?

Green webs, creeping moss and glistening greens galore
With a light heart and grounded spirit, paradise I now explore
Ever grateful for my senses, and united with nature,
With gentle rest and reflection, my mind I now nurture...

Every place I go, every person I meet
Another stranger at the dead end of the Street
Is a connection I seek, or sought, from the lives past
Fleeting feelings, a chemical romance and heart hung at half-mast...

Sailing forward...

What if I and something within floated up and soared,
Tunneled through the tree trunks and emerged from above
Observed our lost brethren in a vividly neon dream
An imaginary sojourn ending by a solitary stream...

The warmth of the shining sun is my secret today
The dew drops give me strength to stand strong and say
"As seasons change and flowers rest, nature will guide me through the northwest... "
Dwelling deep in the forest arches, with my spirit unbound
Out of own soul tunnel, I will rise and rebound…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Spring 2018: A flurry of change - uncertainty abounds - more monumental than mundane

Spring 2018

In spring time, of the year Two Thousand and Eighteen,
Into the land of my birth I flew, another time, umpteen
Little did I know, that this trip would be monumental,
And that my life would change, and love would be incidental…

Caught in the mayhem of a past mistake,
While through heaps of guilt, I must rake,
A reckless action, unintended consequences galore,
If not anything, this will become our folk lore …

Countries and Borders have never been my cup of tea,
But in a tug of war of work, life and fortunes – I must accede,
To comply with the norm, and reign in my defiance,
With my destiny, accept and forge an alliance …

While I am stuck in limbo, and waiting for a paper,
That takes its sweet time, and limits my career,
I must cherish all that is around me – lovely, warm and beautiful,
And be grateful for every breath – in this life – Oh, so wonderful!

For I have been blessed, with grandiose Love and gentle kindness,
From my kin – my mother, my uncle, my granny and lover,
Showered with support – both material and emotional,
I often wonder – is this episode accidentally accidental?  ðŸ˜Š

What life has set forth for me, I must accept and enjoy,
Carpe Diem, as the sun shines today,
While I miss drizzly Seattle, and crave my prompt return,
It’s a shame, If apathy pushes me to pass my turn …
For actions drive change and fortune favors the brave,
And a treasure lies deep within the murky enclave,
Those who wait, and fight to chase their treasure,
In their arduous journey, they must find pleasure…

So, what about the lover – in feline fervor, they ask
And when I speak, in a sublime glory, I do bask,
I have finally found someone who complements my core,
And to my secret self-improving self, she opens a door…

Actions talk louder than words, and it is now time to act,
My dear, I will not just sit back and react.
I promise to guide us through the labyrinths of life,
And hope to bury ourselves in a relationship divine…

For she smiles, and transmits smiles to my form,
Like a first mate, at sea, she helps wither the storm,
A childlike love and an innocence benign,
An intermingling of the minds, a romance clandestine

A journey that will last forever,
A Promise that will hold together,
A pact to respect one another,
A responsibility – to present our best selves, to each other…

As time passes, the cabin fever grows,
So, I keep myself engaged and salvage my lows,
Waiting is the hardest part,
Karma has a strange but fair way, mysteries apart…

An epiphany emanates, seven fathoms beneath,
A peal of positivity shines through and drills through my sheath,
As twilight, like a toddler, scuttles across my balcony,
I must drink the elixir – a mix of virtue, penance, patience
and my own agony…

It’s all meant to be…

Monday, January 29, 2018

Scene VI:

In a stoic cell, but with wet minds
In a golden daze, we stumble upon those finds
Why do we never dare, to touch the stars
They’re too high, and we’ve got scars?

To what we owe, this displeasure Sire?
And please do forgive us, because times are dire
Feel the turbulent energy roar up within you,
Let the desires storm through, strong and true.
Forget the past, enjoy Today,
and if you’ve got will, you will find a way.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Band of Two

In the howling chill wind, and the lunacy of that lustrously lit city,
Amidst regal insignia and under a star-studded firmament, Oh, so pretty …
Met the two brothers, after a diffident and drawn-out spell,
To converse about their lives, and on vital matters they’d decided to dwell…

The snug handshake and ensuing embrace, much more than a gesture,
While the warmth of it almost changed the weather ….
As they sat quietly for a while, looking at each other, assessing all that’d changed,
A few daring drinks and a sumptuous meal were staged….

Different in their societal charade, yet similar in their capricious mirage,
They greeted each other with elation,
as time, in no time, took them back to the gray derelict garage….
Where their souls & bodies lurked in their youth,
Where they jammed and wrapped their emotions together, in a total truth…

One had followed his dream and the other - the maddening crowd,
One was dressed dainty, the other just had a dithering shroud…
Softly, and strangely - they exchanged words of self-proclaimed wisdom,
And shared minutiae of their own enchanted kingdom ….
Through iffy but resonant remarks about random reveries,
broke the guarded mind-glass, and narrated numerous untold stories…

Then suddenly, ambiance sparked their collective sub-conscious, and led them to hallowed ground,
And they swiftly made a promise, to make that kind of music, that they’d since never found.
In the bottoms of their stomach, burned a fire to create,
And play, and show the world that together, they were great ….

The band came back; Rock n Roll attack …
Lyrics were inscribed; Music was alive …
Record Labels backed; Singles were tracked
Fans went berserk; Arenas were rocked …
Drugs flowed; Awards followed…
The limelight tainted the windows ….

Many years on,
in a vacuous star-studded (celebrities) night,
and nestled deep within a copper colored chamber,
In the company of none else, but each other…
The brothers sat down in reflection, at their zenith, and in all candor…
Absolutely decided that they must part,
Before they, though tiredness and monotony, fell apart…

Those charismatic characters - juxtaposed in a web of light, shadow and steel,
Burnt themselves into an expressive yet eccentric highlight reel…
While their music echoed on, and whirled through the stockades of time,
The family flag flew gallantly, atop their harmonious shrine…


Sunday, April 30, 2017

A new poem ... on the way to New York City

A Better Self

Not so long ago, and somewhere back in time,
A fateful Friday evening did sooner than expected, arrive…
After a long hard week, and without any rest,
I set forth on my maiden journey, the other coast was my test…

With high hopes and a nonchalant heart,
At half past midnight, I did start…
And then, an Uber (taxi) was summoned with a device,
As seclusion and fatigue flooded every mind-crevice…

“So far so good” - said I to myself, as we sped along the interstate,
While the tunes in the car, happened to be my favorite…
Then, the chauffeur and I engaged in conversation,
And this routine story took an interesting turn…

We spoke at length, and not of small things (weather or news)
But quickly meandered into, what life brings…
The depth of the man’s words matched mine,
Very soon I saw, my own life’s mystery unwind…
As with most wise men, he had traveled far and wide,
And spent his life with purposeful action, by humans and nature alike…
Curiosity, erudition and courage encumbered his tales,
As I carefully listened, his voice rang my mind’s bells… 

And everything he said, was modest and terse,
Easy to learn and live by, not only in verse…
Gratitude and humility, dripped from his words,
His expression and rhythm surpassed the bards …

“Is this an Angel sent from above?
To show me the way and find what I love,
Or is he just another man?”,
thought I, as we drove…

He taught me to be my better self,
One that only gushes with peace,
Contentment and ambition, balanced with ease…
“Focus inward, not outward” … I now believed…
To do more of what I love,
and love more of what I do,
Binds the universe together in a special glue…
One that constantly conspires for you.

And since all good things must come to an end,
We drove past the hangars and reached the bend…
In the cold and wet, I thanked him thrice,
For his remarkable and inspiring advice…

If not anything, I’d found a pal,
Shed my shroud, and managed, to not hit a wall…
Change was imminent, and my heart felt right,

As I began my voyage, in the darkest of nights… 

The Creations of LSD

The Creations of LSD
Dream of God
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I love 7

I love 7
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I live here...

I live here...
The Depths of your sea...