Sunday, December 30, 2012

My solitary rhyme - me, myself and I


As I sit and wander my never-ending days away,

At time’s side, bodily busy, but mentally idle—all night and day,

I crave the company of my comrades long gone,

Whose exodus from my little island, reasonless, has left me alone…

While I slowly submerge into in the placid lake of learning,

Unbiased and Unblemished, screams my yearning,

For the presence of the another human’s voice and play,

And no amount of knowledge acquired makes it go away...


As I emerge outwards from the sea, gasping for breath,

Familiar faces surround me, they have arrived in stealth,

Unbridled Joy usurps my solitary affliction,

And my morose heart leaps with random precision…


“You finally came” , says I to them with glee,

Faced with stony stares with a concealed plea,

While the storm brews within and waiting to destroy,

I am dumb-struck - but pretend to be coy…


Tireless Tirades of nonchalant banter now fill the furnace,

And I, bitter and helpless, do rest my case,

For words cannot express the grief I hold in my heart,

Where do I end, and where do I start?


Why, O Why my friends, have you my love, shunned?

Our intimate bridges, why have you burnt?

Pray Why, have you forgotten the good old times,

When days were like dreams, and happiness flowed like wines…


Like a Solitary match waiting to burn, I wait and wait my turn….


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